Enjoy The Life You Want

 Embrace your authentic self and get unstuck from physical and emotional pain.

Enjoy The Life You Want

 Embrace your authentic self and manifest the life you can envision.

Enjoy The Life You Want

Embrace your authentic self and manifest the life you want.

Wake up to the power of your consciousness.

 Holistic Healing, Self Love, Acceptance,

Self Awareness  & Self Empowerment

The Esoteric Energy Session combines Holy Fire®️ III Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy and Integrative Energy Medicine to realign your energy and create movement and space.

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The Spiritual Alchemy Sessions are a Holistic approach to healing and transformation of the self through, coaching, energy healing, and body-work.

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The Metaphysical Massage helps the body release physically and energetically. This session can include Swedish or Deep tissue Massage with Integration of Holy Fire®️III Reiki, CradioSacral therapy and Integrative Energy Medicine.

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Wake up to the power of your consciousness.

 Holistic Healing, Self Love, Acceptance, Self Awareness  & Self Empowerment

The Esoteric Energy Session combines Holy Fire®️ III Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy and Integrative Energy Medicine to realign your energy and create movement and space.

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The Spiritual Alchemy Sessions are a Holistic approach to healing and transformation of the self through, coaching, energy healing, and body-work.

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The Metaphysical Massage helps the body release physically and energetically. This session can include Swedish or Deep tissue Massage with Integration of Holy Fire®️III Reiki, CradioSacral therapy and Integrative Energy Medicine.

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Invest Your Health

Ray Holistic Healing offers a wide variety of modalities to help those seeking freedom from whatever physical or emotional ailments that are holding them back from living the best version of their lives.

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Invest Your Health

Ray Holistic Healing offers a wide variety of modalities to help those seeking freedom from whatever physical or emotional ailments that are holding them back from living the best version of their lives.

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Help Others Heal

If you have found a calling just like Michelle to holistically heal those in need, she has developed a course just for you. Let her share her experiences and education so that you can grow a business while helping guide more people to the freedom holistic healing can provide.

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Hi, I am Michelle

I’m an Integrative Holistic Healing Practitioner and Licensed Massage Therapist. I am deeply committed to helping you to become more empowered and aware by: listening to the messages your body is telling you, clarifying your personal intentions, learning how to navigate life in a more meaningful way and healing through self-awareness, power of choice, energy healing, coaching, and bodywork. By becoming more fully embodied, and recognizing that you have the power to choose the life that you want to live, you will learn to change your life. 

More about me

What Are The Chakras?


"I Understand"

Knowledge, Consciousness, Fulfilment Spirituality


"I See"

Intuition, Lucidity, Meditation, Trust


"I Talk"

Communication, Expression, Creativity, Inspiration


"I Love"

Acceptance, Love, Compassion Sincerity


"I Do"

Strength, Personality, Power, Determination


"I Feel"

Sensuality Sexuality, Pleasure, Sociability


"I Am"

Energy, Stability, Comfort Safety

What Are The Chakras?


"I Understand"

Knowledge, Consciousness, Fulfilment Spirituality


"I See"

Intuition, Lucidity, Meditation, Trust


"I Talk"

Communication, Expression, Creativity, Inspiration


"I Love"

Acceptance, Love, Compassion Sincerity


"I Do"

Strength, Personality, Power, Determination


"I Feel"

Sensuality Sexuality, Pleasure, Sociability


"I Am"

Energy, Stability, Comfort Safety

What You Need To Know Before Your Appointment

Find Out Now

Michelle's  WRITINGS

holistic healing
17 Jan, 2021
Welcome! In this installment, I will be discussing Reiki. This will be a Reiki Rundown. So, buckle up…here’s what you need to know. Reiki, as defined in “Reiki: The Healing Touch” by William Lee Rand, is “a Japanese Technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.” Basically, it’s channeled energy healing. Very simply put. Reiki can be performed after a person has been energetically introduced (attunement/ignition/activation) to the energy of Reiki and it’s symbols- in this specific case we are talking about Holy Fire® III Reiki- and then acts as a conduit of Reiki Energy, using it with the intent to heal themselves or another. Anyone can receive or practice Reiki. Reiki is known to work primarily with the 7 main Chakras of the body. This true and it also works with the Energy Meridians that run throughout the body. In Reiki courses you are taught to scan the body for areas that may seem like the energy there is off. Not just along the Chakras. Some Practitioners like to use the hand positions of the Hayashi Healing Guide at different places all over the body to achieve healing. Reiki has 3 symbols that are introduced in Level 2 and I more that is introduced in the ART/Master Class. Holy Fire® III introduces an additional symbol in the ART/Master Class as well. The word Reiki actually consists of two Japanese words: Rei and Ki. It is universal. Energy that is present everywhere. It is about levels of higher consciousness- beyond the ego. Spiritual Consciousness, Universal Consciousness, Creator- all the same. The healer is the bridge for the healing and wisdom of those higher levels and bringing them in to this physical Earth plane. Ki- Life Force Energy The non-physical energy that animates all living things. The energy of our biofield. It can also be considered the primary energy of our emotions, thoughts, and spirituality. So, Reiki is spiritually guided life energy. Not the life energy of the Practitioner but the life energy that we allow to flow through us from source. This particular energy- Reiki Energy- is accessed after an attunement/ignition/activation by a certified Reiki Master Teacher. What is receiving Reiki like? Every experience with Reiki will vary. It will vary between each session and with each Practitioner. Here is what I have heard from clients: tingling where my hands are or throughout their body, relaxation, flash backs to past lives, floating in the eathers, lights, colors, sensations, emotional release, intense heat from my hands, energy moving up and down their bodies. etc. Let’s not leave out those people who feel nothing at all. That definitely happens to some people and that is okay. Especially if Reiki is a new concept or experience. Even if people don’t feel it, it is still working just as it should. I have seen this work make huge impacts in people’s lives- even mine! Each time I received an attunement, it was like an upgrade. Especially with this last one being an upgrade to Holy Fire® III. This energy has absolutely transformed my life. It came to me when I was in a very vulnerable place and has truly helped me to stand in my personal power and be my most authentic self. What Is Holy Fire® ? According to “Reiki: The Healing Touch” by WIlliam Lee Rand, Holy Fire® Reiki is powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance.” Sounds pretty good, huh? Holy Fire® III energy feels very warming and loving. Like you are wrapped up in the arms of love itself. It brings a nice and peaceful feeling, helps transmute heavier energies. This energy will allow you to burn away all that you are not, so that you can be your most authentic and empowered self. It works wonders in sessions in tandem with my Transformational Guidance and can be quite intense and powerful. I do have dates available for Holy Fire® III Reiki Training, Levels 1&2 as well as ART/Master, coming up very soon. It is an investment and will create deep and powerful change. If it is to take your self-healing to another level, to receive an upgrade, to start your own Reiki practice- whatever it may be- this class is one I highly recommend. Dates: Levels 1&2 August 7-8, 2021- working with the Leo New Moon/Lion’s Gate 88 Energies In this class you will learn: -The History of Reiki -What Holy Fire®️ III Reiki is and where it comes from -How to use Reiki -How to Reiki yourself -Distance Reiki -The symbols and how to use them -How to Scan the body -You will receive level 1 and 2 ignitions -The Healing that takes place through attunement and what it will do -Resources on how to start a Reiki practice I will also teach my own method of practice. This includes: -My philosophy on healing and working with clients to empower them -Setting sacred space -Setting Energetic Boundaries -Clearing your space -How to clear your energy between sessions -How to prepare for a session -Holding space and what it means -Setting Intentions (holding space for the client to set intentions) -Grounding and Centering -Exercises to help the client become more aware of how they feel in their body -Being a Clear Channel and what that means -How to be a Healing Facilitator -Our Responsibilities as Practitioners - Using the Elements in a session -More things I’ve learned being a practitioner  Booking available through Booking tab. Look for “Classes” In summation, if you haven’t it had a Reiki session or you want to become a Practitioner, you should! It will only make you feel better. Make sure that you do some research on your Reiki Practitioner, make sure you trust them and like their message. Let your intuition be your guide. If they resonate- wonderful. And if not- find a different one. Maybe even try a few and see which fits best. Much Love M
person exploring space
12 Oct, 2020
While inspiration for writing this blog comes and goes, this is a topic I have been really wanting to talk about. I just needed to be able to have the words to explain. And I thought it would be best to do before Mercury begins it’s final retrograde of the year. During my evolution and journey, one thing that has always been clear to me has been the need to use my experience and everything I have learned to help others along their journey. It would give more meaning to the not-so-great experiences I have had and learned from, beyond what I received from it. Transmutation in the most beautiful of ways. I had always wished for someone that I could go to and talk to about the changes I was experiencing within my inner being. When all of this started, I really had to search for information because things relating to spiritual evolution, spirituality, and healing, were not so prevalent as they are now. People were not so accepting of my beliefs and the tools I have used. I cannot express in words just how grateful I am for the search. It has brought a richness and depth to my experience. I treasure and truly value my spiritual practices as sacred and necessary. This all has lead to what I am currently offering. This all lead to Transformational Guidance becoming an actual thing!! How exciting! Okay, now back to how this formed and what it even is…. Picking up from the point where I knew what I wanted to create, decided to dedicate my life to it and packing up and moving 1000 miles from home to begin my journey- When I got to Nashville, I started school very quickly. It was such a powerful and supportive experience for me. We had a class on boundaries. Blew my freaking mind! Had no idea that I was not good with boundaries or even how to set them. It was an introduction to realizing what I need, how to ask for it and stand firm in my needs and taking care of myself. Teaching people how to treat me. We had check-in before each class. We would go around the room and check in with ourselves mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It was so very uncomfortable at first. But man, did those check-ins really change the game. Cumberland is really, really good at creating a safe environment and supporting the healer to heal themselves before we even attempt to help others heal. It has been a beautiful experience to heal along with my clients as well. I love being able to be there with my clients, to deeply understand where they are because I too have experienced or am experiencing what they are experiencing, in my own way. Once I got out of school, I struggled to find where to go from there. I had reached the goals I had set when I left Lubbock. What next? I worked at a few different places: Spas, a big massage chain, a chiropractor. All it was asking of me was massage. A little bit of energy healing here and there. I was unhappy with this direction. I did not come all this way to be a massage therapist. I came all this way to be an energy healer and guide. In November of 2018 I started at an organic salon and spa, I found the opportunity and freedom to truly experiment and decide the direction I wanted to go for professionally and what I wanted to create. There definitely was trial and error. Earlier this year, I was just about to launch all of this publicly and I was calling it Spiritual/Empowerment Coaching. Which, in the end, that label just didn’t feel right to me. I had a method that was primarily surrounding Astrology, how it helps us to have more awareness surrounding our life experience and what we are learning on our path of personal evolution. I would break down people’s charts for them and show them why they were experiencing certain things. All to help them to recognize their own power of choice. But I wasn’t focusing on what the client really needed. I was going to do YouTube, Newsletter, Blog, Instagram…all the things. Something about it all felt so forced and I kept finding myself procrastinating. Then COVID hit. Quarantine was a great pause for me. I had yet another existential crisis (they are good for you). Really questioned everything about my reality. Even the spirituality that is the basis for my identity. I questioned if I would even continue with the type of work I was doing. I thought about getting a “real job”. I prayed about it, I asked creator to really present to me the truest version of what I was meant to create for my clients, in the most true and authentic way in alignment with my highest self. Then, I had clients telling me how much they appreciated me, had existing clients return and new clients book. Mostly surrounding the coaching and energy healing. I took this as the sign I needed to continue forth on the path to my calling. Each session began to unfold more organically. I was able to see that before, I was driven by a need to prove myself and what I know and have learned. Driven by my Ego with the underlying true and genuine desire to help others. My little existential crisis and the energy of the eclipses of the summer really helped to burn away those inauthentic parts. What has emerged is something I like to call, Transformational Guidance. It was important for me to recognize that no one wants to be talked at, or approached as if I have all the answers, from a pedestal, or that things had to be done one way. If healing was to happen, if I were to ask of my clients to reveal the most authentic and real parts of themselves, to show up fully- I needed to as well. I needed to meet people eye to eye, right there with them, on the same level. Really listen to them and help them find out what they need. We are all humans, just trying to figure out life the best we know how to with the tools we have in the moment. I too, am growing and healing at all times. I too, am on my own journey of soul evolution. This is Transformational Guidance. It is a mash up of all the things I have learned and used on my journey over the last 10 years- catered to each person specifically. It is meant for people who are waking up to a reality that they are not living life according to their authentic truth. They are driven to come to a place of love and acceptance of self. They are recognizing patterns and behaviors, diving into or wanting to dive into using ritual/ceremony, astrology, stones/crystals as tools and changing patterns in a conscious way. They are in a place of personal transformation and need a guide/facilitator to confer with as they learn to heal themselves and stand in their power, among other things. You know if this resonates with you, as it will not resonate with everyone. In these sessions, we start with where you’re at. What is going on with you? What do you want/need? How can I help you with that? As we go through these things, I listen and coach (for lack of a better word), offering perspectives or insight (if you are open to receiving and want perspective or insight), and ask questions so that you can come to realizations for yourself. Once we come to a point to move on from this, intentions are set for bodywork/energy healing. We take the time to scan and focus on where you are feeling these things in your body. Then we move that energy physically and energetically. Based on what you ask for, I will also give guidance on creating energetic boundaries, how to create a sacred space, journal prompts, visualizations, meditations, stones/crystals, rituals/ceremony, intention setting with the new/full moons, how to build an alter, tarot, and other forms of divination, energetic clearing and cleansing. Sometimes I receive intuitive messages for a client, this does not always happen, as I ask that the right messages come in the right words for the right people at the right time and these messages are only offered if permission is given. I have seen such wonderful progress with my clients! They have taught me so much. Each of them is so different. I love seeing them feel more empowered and truly leaning into self-love. That is my goal, my main intention with Transformational Guidance- self-love, authenticity, and showing you the power you truly have. The power of you, your will. The power of each choice and the effect of each choice. Using your will and words to consciously manifest the life you desire. All while cheering you on because this work, isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s for the badasses who want to put in the work. That know that what is truly worth having takes sacrifice. All you have to do is sacrifice all that you are not. Much Love- M ***UPDATE*** Transformational Guidance Session is now Spiritual Alchemy Session, This session has evolved and has taken on an approach that focuses on cultivating self awareness, emotional maturity, and a more constructive mindset in order to truly manifest the life you want. Energy Healing and Bodywoek are used to help facilitate this process of healing and transformation.
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